
ESEC (Educational Services Exchange with China) was established in Los Angeles, California, USA, in 1981. With the principle of, “not to be served, is to serve,” it has been serving China for nearly 40 years and has cultivated numerous global perspective citizens for the development of Chinese economic "Opening and Reform Policy".


ESEC gained the Foreign Experts Culture Organization recognition from the National Educational Department and the Foreign Affairs Services Centre State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA). ESEC has cooperated with more than 300 advanced universities and colleges and 1,000 educational and administration departments to train more than 24,000 learners and send out nearly 4,000 foreign experts through all types of international projects concerning education, medicine, law, international trade, business and charitable work.


Dr. Yu Guoliang, the founder of ESEC, was invited to meet previous prime minister, Li Peng, and Li Guixian, Zhang de Jiang and Lei Jieqiong, in addition to several others high officials and was highly praised by well-known Chinese educators Gu Ming Yuan and Tao Xi Ping. ESEC received the “National Friendship” award from the Chinese government in 2014 and was being honored as a loving ambassador between America and China by the Chinese-Communist Central Party School.

自2005年以来,ESEC与北京大学、原国家外国专家局(现科学技部外事服务中心)三方合作开展了TIP(Total Immersion Program)全封闭英语培训项目,同时在各地教育局、公益教育组织及基金会多方支持下,深入全国各县域的落地培训也相应展开。目前此项目已惠及全国(包括港澳台地区)四万余名一线英语教师。

For the further devolvement of TIP, ESEC has cooperated with Peking University, SAFEA and Center of Scientific and Technical Foreign Service since 2005. In addition, with the great support of the educational departments in each local region and some charitable foundations and organizations, TIP has stepped forward and expanded the local training development across China. More than 40,000 front-line English teachers were trained through TIP including learners from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.